§ 28-20-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter:
(1) "Amendment" means any modification or change in a codeintended to be of universal or general application;
(2) "Code" means a standard body of rules for safety andhealth formulated, adopted, and issued by the commission under the provisionsof this chapter;
(3) "Commission" means the code commission for occupationalsafety and health created by this chapter;
(4) "Director" means the director of labor and training orhis or her duly authorized representative;
(5) "Employ" means the use of any services of an employee forcompensation and includes to suffer or permit to work;
(6) "Employee" means an individual who is employed by anemployer;
(7) "Employer" means a person, firm, corporation,partnership, association, receiver or trustee in bankruptcy having one or morepersons in his, her or its employ, a state agency, or an agency of a politicalsubdivision of the state, or any person acting, directly or indirectly, in theinterest of an employer;
(8) "Review board" means the occupational safety and healthreview board created by this chapter;
(9) "Standard" means a federal standard adopted by the U.S.secretary of labor for the federal occupational safety and healthadministration;
(10) "Variance" means a limited modification or change in acode which is applicable only to the particular place of employment of theemployer or person petitioning for the modification or change.