§ 28-20-19 Occupational safety and healthreview board. (a) The occupational safety and health review board is established.
(b) The review board shall be composed of seven (7) membersappointed by the governor:
(1) One of whom shall be a qualified member of theoccupational safety profession;
(2) One shall be a qualified elevator representative;
(3) One shall be a qualified mechanical representative;
(4) One shall be a qualified electrical representative;
(5) One shall be a qualified operating engineerrepresentative, nominated by the director of labor and training;
(6) One shall be a qualified representative of theoccupational health profession, nominated by the director of health; and
(7) One shall be a representative of the public who acts aschairperson of the review board.
(c) The term of office of each member of the review boardshall be six (6) years.
(d) The review board shall conduct hearings pursuant tochapter 35 of title 42 in all cases involving contests of the decisions of thedirector, and the commission for occupational safety and health made pursuantto this chapter and chapter 19 of this title.
(e) Five (5) members of the review board shall constitute aquorum, and official action can be taken only on the affirmative vote of atleast five (5) members. In the event of a lack of a quorum, the director oflabor and training shall have the authority to designate an employee of thedepartment of labor and training to serve on the board for purposes ofobtaining a quorum only. That employee shall have no voting privileges.
(f) The review board shall set its own rules establishedpursuant to the requirements of chapter 35 of title 42.
(g) Clerical and other assistance as may be required by thereview board shall be furnished by the director.