§ 28-20-23 Compensation of commissionmembers Assistance Appropriations. Members of the commission shall receive no salary, but shall receivecompensation not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each day spent inthe discharge of their official duties, with a maximum of fifteen hundreddollars ($1500) annually. An official meeting of the commission shall be heldby request of the director. The director is authorized and directed to providethe commission with the clerical, legal, and other assistance that shall benecessary to permit the commission to perform its duties as provided in thischapter. The reasonable and necessary traveling and other expenses of themembers of the commission while actually engaged in the performance of theirduties shall be paid from the state treasury and upon receipt of propervouchers approved by the director and the chairperson of the commission. Thegeneral assembly shall annually appropriate any sum that it deems necessary tocarry out the purposes of this section.