§ 28-21-16 Funding Contracts forservices Exemption for copiers Appeals. (a) The director of labor and training shall determine which employers aresubject to the provisions of this chapter and shall assess and collect anannual assessment of forty-two dollars ($42.00) which shall be levied againstall those employers, which result in the funding for the implementation of thischapter. The employer shall be obligated to pay the assessment. No employershall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter unless and until a requestfor exemption is filed and approval is granted; provided that public andprivate libraries shall be exempted exempt from this requirement. The fundsshall be deposited as general revenue.
(b) The director of labor and training may contract withqualified agencies and/or parties for technical services performed inconjunction with this chapter.
(c) The director of labor and training shall exempt from thischapter all employers whose contact with the designated substances is entirelylimited to copier machine powders or liquids where the exposure is incidentalto the business operation.
(d) Any employer who contests the determination of thedirector may appeal the determination under the provisions set forth in§§ 28-20-19 and 28-20-20.