§ 28-22-3 Picture IDs Welders. All structural steel and ornamental steel welders working under the AmericanNational Standards Institute Code AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.5 will haveaffixed to their personal welding certificate documents, a legible picture toverify the welder's identity. Said documents shall be kept in the office on alljobsites in which the welder is working.
The affixing of the pictures will be the sole responsibilityof the certified welding inspector (CWI), the testing laboratory or engineeringfirm that originally certified the welder or any firm that is in the businessof certifying welders under these codes.
Upon enactment of this amendment, the division ofprofessional regulation will be authorized to monitor the veracity of thecertificates and ensure that they are properly updated. This authority alsoextends to public building inspectors or their representatives.
People or persons, and their primary employer found inviolation of this act will be ordered to stop work immediately, and are subjectto the following fines payable to the department of labor and training,professional regulation division: two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for a firstoffense for each day in which the violation exists; five hundred dollars ($500)for a second offense for each day in which the violation exists; and onethousand dollars ($1,000) for a third and/or subsequent offenses for each dayin which the violation exists.