§ 28-25-11 Issuance of certificate Period of validity Display. Whenever: (1) the division has inspected any boiler or pressure vessel and hasfound it safe for operation, (2) any repairs required by the division to bemade in any boiler or pressure vessel have been completed to its satisfaction,(3) in the case of any boiler or pressure vessel subsequently installed theadministrator has satisfied himself or herself by inspection, or otherwise,that it may be safely operated, or (4) in the case of any boiler or pressurevessel subsequently erected, he or she has satisfied himself or herself thatthe boiler or pressure vessel complies with the standard established under§ 28-25-9, he or she shall, upon payment of the required fee, issue to theowner of the boiler or pressure vessel his or her certificate authorizing theoperation of the boiler or pressure vessel and stating the limit of pressure atwhich the boiler or pressure vessel may be used, and stating the date of issueof the certificate. The date of issue of the certificate shall be the date ofapproved inspection and the certificate shall be valid for a period of timedetermined and adopted by the code commission. Each certificate shall beconspicuously posted by the owner of the boiler or pressure vessel. If theboiler or pressure vessel is not located within the building, the certificateshall be posted in a location convenient to the boiler or pressure vesselinspected or in any place where it will be accessible to the interested parties.