§ 28-25-13 Reports by authorizedinspectors Certificate Defective boilers. When any authorized inspector inspects a boiler or pressure vessel for aninsurance company, he or she shall, within a period of twenty-one (21) days,make a report of that inspection on forms approved by the administrator of thedivision of occupational safety. If the boiler or pressure vessel is adjudgedto be in a safe condition and found to conform in all respects with the codesadopted by the code commission under authority of this chapter, the owner shallpay to the administrator the required fee and the administrator shall issue tothe owner of the boiler or pressure vessel, a certificate authorizing theoperation of the boiler or pressure vessel. This certificate shall be issued inconformity with § 28-25-11. It shall be the responsibility of theauthorized inspection agency doing business in this state to report to theadministrator of the division of occupational safety the name of the owner oruser and the location of each boiler or pressure vessel on which insurance hasbeen refused, cancelled, or discontinued within ten (10) days of that action.Boilers or pressure vessels upon which insurance has been cancelled or refuseddue to existing dangerous defects shall be reported immediately to theadministrator of the division of occupational safety.