§ 28-25-16 Penalty for violations Complaints. (a) A person shall be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of thischapter who:
(1) Refuses to have inspected any boiler or pressure vesselrequiring inspection under the provisions of this chapter;
(2) Permits any boiler or pressure vessel to operate at agreater pressure than is allowed by the certificate;
(3) Uses any boiler or pressure vessel requiring inspectionunder the provisions of this chapter before a certificate is issued;
(4) Uses any boiler or pressure vessel after its certificateexpires;
(5) Uses any boiler or pressure vessel newly erected orinstalled before a certificate is furnished by the division; or
(6) Refuses to allow the inspector free access to any boileror pressure vessel at any reasonable time whether or not the boiler or pressurevessel is subjected to inspection under the provisions of this chapter.
(b) In the event the administrator has reason to believe thatthe condition of a boiler or pressure vessel threatens physical harm orimminent danger to the community, then the administrator is authorized toprohibit the use of the boiler or pressure vessel by appropriate means afterwritten notification of the nature of the violation and repairs required ispresented to the owner, engineer, or other person in charge of the boiler orpressure vessel.
(2) Failure to comply with an order constitutes a violationand is subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) for eachviolation imposed by the department of labor and training on the owner/user.
(ii) Each day a violation is continued constitutes a separateoffense.