§ 28-25-19 Inspection of unfired pressurevessels being manufactured. (a) Manufacturers of unfired pressure vessels in this state shall obtain theservices of an authorized inspection agency for shop inspections of unfiredpressure vessels being manufactured by them. If manufacturers are unable toobtain the inspection service, they may request that unfired pressure vesselsbeing manufactured by them be inspected by inspectors of the division ofoccupational safety (holding a valid commission issued by the National Board ofBoiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors). The fee for these inspections by theinspectors shall be established by regulation through the code commission, asshall be the fees for all special inspections, code stamp/certificate ofauthorization review, and nuclear surveys and reviews that are performed bythat division.
(b) All boilers and pressure vessels that are fabricated inaccordance with the ASME code and properly identified by ASME code symbolstamping and signed data report, shall be registered with the National Board ofBoiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in accordance with registrationguidelines.