§ 28-25-8 Orders to cease operation orrepair. An authorized inspector shall consult with the owner, engineer, or other personin charge of each boiler or pressure vessel as to its condition and operation,and if he or she thereby discovers or in any manner learns of any defect orimperfection in the boiler or pressure vessel or of any dereliction orcarelessness on the part of the engineer or other person in charge of theboiler or pressure vessel relative to it, or to its operation, he or she shall,as soon as practicable, give notice of this to the owner of the boiler orpressure vessel. If, as a result of the inspection, the inspector determinesthat any boiler or pressure vessel is in any condition as to be unsafe and thatthe danger is imminent, he or she shall notify the jurisdictional authority whomay order the operation of the boiler or pressure vessel to be stopped. Uponthat notice, operation shall be stopped until the boiler or pressure vessel orits defective part or parts are repaired or renewed and put in safe conditionand a certificate to that effect issued. Where there is no imminent danger, theinspector shall notify the owner to remedy the defect or defects within anyreasonable time that he or she may prescribe, and if the defect or defects arenot remedied within the prescribed time, the use of the boiler or pressurevessel shall be discontinued at the expiration of that time until it is put ina safe condition and a certificate to that effect is issued by thejurisdictional authority.