§ 28-25-9 Formulation and adoption ofcodes, rules, and regulations. The code commission for occupational safety and health shall formulate and/oradopt a code of rules and regulations for the construction, installation,inspection, maintenance, repair, alteration, and operation of boilers andpressure vessels. Codes adopted and enforced shall be the standard code ofrules as published and enunciated by the American Society of MechanicalEngineers and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andany amendments to them, as were in effect as of January 1, 2007. Subsequentamendments to the state code shall be effective only after complying with theprovisions of the Rhode Island Administrative Procedures Act. Codes relating tocontrols, safety devices, and appurtenances shall follow ASME CSD-1 or the NFPA 85 Series, as applicable. Additional regulations and standards pursuantto the commissioning of authorized inspectors, formulation of fee structure forinspection and certification of boilers and pressure vessels, and/or review ofoperations shall be adopted in keeping with the appropriate standards.