§ 28-26-12 Investigation and prosecutionof violations. The chief of the section shall act as an investigator with respect to theenforcement of all provisions of law relative to the licensing of hoistingengineers and to this effect whenever a complaint is made by the chief of thesection to the director of labor and training that the provisions of thischapter are being violated, the director of labor and training shall issue anorder to cease and desist from the violation and impose the penalties providedin section 28-26-11 against the violator, against the operator, against thecontractor, and against the project developers. A cease and desist order mayalso be issued against the owner of equipment, against the contractor, andagainst the project developers whenever the chief complains to the directorthat operating equipment does not meet OSHA standards for constructionequipment as contained in 29 CFR Part 1910 and 29 CFR 1926.