§ 28-26-14 Persons and machinery exemptfrom chapter. (a) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to engineers under thejurisdiction of the United States, or engineers or operators employed by publicutilities, and shall not apply to agriculturists, fishers, and horticulturists,or to any engine except one which operates a hoist, shovel, crane, or excavator.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to poweredindustrial forklift trucks commonly referenced as forklifts, pallet trucks,rider trucks, fork trucks, or lift trucks. Operators of powered industrialforklift trucks (forklifts, pallet trucks, rider trucks, fork trucks, lifttrucks) shall be required to possess employer certification or third partycertification in general industry only. This does not apply to the constructionfield. Operators of powered industrial forklift trucks, in the constructionfield, shall be required to possess a Rhode Island State Hoisting Engineer'sLicense along with an operator's certification.