§ 28-26-5 License required for operationof hoisting machinery. (a) No person shall operate or be in direct charge of hoisting or excavationequipment which uses, steam, internal combustion engines, electric, orcompressed air of five (5) horsepower or more and/or can lift more than fivehundred pounds (500 lbs.) without obtaining a license to do so as provided inthis chapter.
(2) No user or agent of a user of any machinery described insubdivision (1) of this subsection shall permit the machinery to be operatedunless it is operated by a duly licensed person as provided in this chapter.
(b) Every contract in the construction of public works by thestate or by any city or town, or by persons contracting with the city, town orstate for the construction, shall contain a clause embodying the provision ofthis section.
(c) In the event of any inconsistencies and/or contradictionbetween the requirements of this section and those of § 23-33-30, and/orin any respective rules and or regulations promulgated pursuant to thatsection, the provisions of this section and any rules and or regulationspromulgated pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be controlling.