§ 28-27-20 State and municipal inspectionsand installation permits. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any city, town or the state fromproviding for a pipefitter or refrigeration/air conditioning or fire protectionsprinkler systems or air distribution systems inspection or from requiringpermits for the installation, maintenance, repair and servicing of pipefittingor refrigeration/air conditioning or fire protection sprinkler systems or airdistribution systems and collecting fees thereof. Whenever a permit is requiredunder the provisions of this section, a condition of its issuance shall be thatthe contractor's license number and a copy of the contractor's license first beaffixed on the permit which must be signed by the contractor. The permit mustbe obtained from the state, city or town prior to the installation. Whereequipment and appliance replacements or repairs must be performed in anemergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the nextbusiness day to the office of mechanical inspection.