§ 28-27-26.1 Enforcement. (a) It shall be the duty of the director of the department of labor andtraining and of state and local inspection authorities to enforce theprovisions of this chapter. Local building and related inspectors, who areinvolved in day-to-day inspection, shall have the primary responsibility forenforcing the provisions of this chapter. The above individuals shall haveauthority to demand the production of the licenses and certificates required bythis chapter on any site where work that is the subject of this chapter isoccurring, and shall have the authority to investigate and where appropriatemake complaints pursuant to § 28-27-21, 28-27-28 or 28-22-2 wheresufficient evidence has been obtained to sustain a reasonable belief that aviolation of this chapter has occurred.
(b) The state board of examiners shall also have concurrentresponsibility to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and shall have theauthority to demand the production of the licenses and certificates required bythis chapter on any site where work that is the subject of this chapter isoccurring, and shall have the authority to investigate and where appropriatemake complaints pursuant to § 28-27-21, 28-27-28 or 28-22-2 wheresufficient evidence has been obtained to sustain a reasonable belief that aviolation of this chapter has occurred. The director of the department of laborand training shall provide identification to the board members for the purposesof this section.