§ 28-27-30 Enforcement procedures. Violations of this chapter may be enjoined upon bill of complaint being filedin the superior court for the county in which those violations have beencommitted by the department of labor and training or by any association ofpipefitter or refrigeration/air conditioning masters or journeypersons,licensed pipefitter or refrigeration/air condition masters or journeypersons,or association of sheet metal contractors or journeyperson sheet metal workers,licensed sheet metal contractor or journeyperson sheet metal worker or by anyinspector. Injunctions may be granted by the superior court after hearing inopen court against any person, firm, corporation, or association which hasviolated any of the provisions of this chapter, without regard to whetherproceedings have been or may have been instituted before the department. No exparte restraining orders shall be issued in suits brought pursuant to thissection. Violators may also be ordered to pay the complaint's reasonableattorney's fees.