§ 28-27-5.1 Practices for which ajourneyperson or apprentice license required. (a) No person shall engage to work as a pipefitter, refrigeration/airconditioning, or sprinkler fitter journeyperson or apprentice, or journeypersonsheet metal worker or apprentice, or shall advertise or represent in any formor matter that he or she is a journeyperson or apprentice, unless that personpossesses and carries on his or her person at all times while so engaged avalid license issued by the department of labor and training qualifying thatperson as a journeyperson or apprentice.
(b) A person holding a valid license under this chapter shallnot be required to obtain an additional license under this chapter to performsheet metal work when AC air handling equipment is ten (10) tons or less orwhen heating equipment does not exceed 250,000 BTUs.
(c) A holder of a journeyperson license shall only beentitled to work as an employee of the properly licensed master permit holderin accordance with this chapter.