§ 28-27-6 Corporations and firms engagedin business. (a) No corporation, firm, association or partnership shall engage in business,advertise, make application for and take out permits, bid for work, orrepresent itself as a mechanical contractor, pipefitter, refrigeration/airconditioning, fire protection sprinkler systems master or contractor or sheetmetal contractor unless:
(1) A licensed mechanical contractor, pipefitter,refrigeration/air conditioning, fire protection sprinkler systems master, orsheet metal contractor as applicable, as provided in this chapter iscontinuously engaged in the supervision of that entity's installation,maintenance, and repair work and the licensed master is an officer of thecorporation, a partner in the partnership, or a similarly authorized principalof any such firm, association, or other entity; or
(2) That entity possesses a valid mechanical contractor,pipefitter, refrigeration-air conditioning, fire protection sprinkler systemscontractor's or sheet metal contractor license, as applicable, duly issued bythe department of labor and training as further described in subsection (b) ofthis section.
(b) Upon application of any of the above entities in form andsubstance prescribed by the department of labor and training, and receipt ofthe fee for the application and license which shall be equal to the fee for amechanical contractor, pipefitter, refrigeration-air conditioning, sheet metal,fire protection sprinkler systems master, or sheet metal contractor license asdescribed in § 28-27-17, as the same may be amended from time to time, thedepartment of labor and training shall issue the applicant entity a license asa mechanical contractor, as applicable. The contractor's license shall specifythe name of the entity holding the license and shall state that the licenseholder: (1) has a masters license in the mechanical trades, as defined in§ 28-27-1.0, and who is continuously engaged in the supervision of theentity's installation, maintenance, and repair work, and who is an officer ofthe corporation, a partner in the partnership, or a similarly authorizedprincipal of any such firm, association, or other entity; or (2) continuouslyemploys at all times while holding this license a person with a masters licensein the applicable mechanical trade, as provided in this chapter, who shall becontinuously engaged in the supervision of the entity's installation,maintenance, and repair work. The contractor's license shall entitle the entityholding the license to engage in business, advertise, bid for work, orrepresent itself as a mechanical contractor, and also entitles the entity tomake application for and take out permits through its duly authorized officeror similarly authorized principal as well as through the duly licensedcontractor master as described in this section or the duly licensed mastercontinuously employed by the entity as stated in this section, as the case maybe. The contractor's license shall not, however, in and of itself permit aprincipal, officer, employee, or agent of the entity holding the license toindividually engage in installation, maintenance, or repair work as describedin this section unless the principal, officer, employee, or agent isindividually licensed to do so.
(c) Any work engaged in, advertised for, applied for bypermit, bid for, or represented to be permissible, shall be solely of the typefor which the licensed master or contract master who serves as an officer orsimilarly authorized principal of the entity or who, in the case of a licensedmaster, is continuously employed by the entity holding a contractor's licenses,is duly licensed to perform.
(d) Any licensed master or contractor master who serves as anofficer or similarly authorized principal of such an entity or who, in the caseof a licensed master, is continuously employed by an entity holding acontractor's license, shall represent the interests of one such entity and onlyone such entity at any given time as described in this section.
(e) If the licensed master or contractor master described inthis section ceases to be an officer or similarly authorized principal of oneof the entities described in this section or, in the case of a licensed master,ceases to be continuously employed by an entity holding a contractor's licensefor any reason whatsoever, the entity shall provide written notice of thecessation of continuous employment to the department of labor and training nomore than fourteen (14) days after the effective date of occurrence of thecessation. Any entity so affected shall provide written notice to thedepartment of labor and training specifying the licensed master or contractormaster who shall replace the departed licensed master or contractor master, asapplicable, referenced in this section no more than forty-five (45) days afterthe effective date of occurrence of the cessation.
(f) No corporation, firm, association, partnership, or otherentity which engages in, offers to engage in, or represents that it engages inthe mechanical trades for the purpose of maintenance, or repair work in thestate of Rhode Island shall be permitted to incorporate, form, qualify to dobusiness, or otherwise register with the Rhode Island secretary of state'soffice until and unless that office has first received a written confirmationfrom the department of labor and training that all requisite licenses to beissued by the department of labor and training have been issued and remain ingood standing.
(g) Any willful violation of this section shall be groundsfor revocation of license as further described in § 28-27-21.