§ 28-27-9.1 Grandfathering -- Licensing ofsheet metal contractors and sheet metal journeypersons without examination. (a) After enactment of this chapter and at any time prior to the expiration oftwelve (12) months following enactment of this section, the authority shall,without examination, upon payment of the fees required in this chapter issuethrough the department of labor and training, division of professionalregulation, a sheet metal contractor's license or sheet metal journeyperson'slicense to any applicant who currently holds a valid pipefitter orrefrigeration license in the state of Rhode Island. A sheet metal journeypersonshall have a minimum of four (4) years of verified experience in the sheetmetal business covered by the license, as applicable.
(2) An applicant for a sheet metal contractor's license underthis provision must further provide sworn evidence of satisfactory sheet metalexperience for a minimum of five (5) years of verified experience in the sheetmetal business covered by such license, as applicable.
(b) Any person qualified to obtain a sheet metal contractor'slicense or a sheet metal journeyperson's license under this section who isprevented from making application herefor by reason of service in the armedforces of the United States during the twelve (12) month period followingenactment of this section [July 7, 2000] shall have three (3) monthsafter discharge or release from active duty to make such application.