§ 28-29-1.2 Legislative findings andimplementation of reforms. (a) WHEREAS, the system of workers' compensation in the state of Rhode Islandis presently in a state of crisis; and
(2) WHEREAS, the stability and fiscal health of the overallworkers' compensation system is essential to the delivery of appropriatecompensation and health care to the injured worker; and
(3) WHEREAS, all professionals providing services coveredunder the provisions of this title must take into account, in the performanceof their service, the important public policy in favor of a sound and properlyfunctioning workers' compensation system in this state, and have the duty toprotect and maintain the integrity of this system; and
(4) WHEREAS, abuse and misuse of the workers' compensationsystem has brought discredit on the system and its participants, including thelegitimately injured worker, and has endangered the stability and fiscal healthof the system; and
(5) WHEREAS, significant improvement has already beeninitiated by the general assembly's 1990 reforms and by the administration ofthe workers' compensation court; and
(6) WHEREAS, sweeping additional reform is required to bringthe system into balance and eliminate waste and unnecessary costs; and
(7) WHEREAS, additional incentives are necessary to induceinsurers adequately and vigorously to manage their cases; to swiftly and fairlyidentify and remove from the workers' compensation system employees who are nolonger disabled; to swiftly and fairly make appropriate adjustments foremployees who are capable of employment; to motivate return to gainfulemployment in the work force; to improve the safety of the workplace and therehabilitation to gainful employment in the work force; to improve the safetyof the workplace and the rehabilitation to gainful employment of the injuredworker; and to assure that all participants in the system recognize theirobligation to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the overallintegrity and welfare of the compensation system, and that deviation from thatconduct is at their peril.
(b) Any amendment to chapters 29 38 of this titlewhich may affect the cost of workers' compensation to the state of Rhode Islandshall have a fiscal note attached.