§ 28-29-19 Waiver of claim of common lawrights. (a) Any employee, or corporate officer, or manager, managing member or memberof a limited liability company, or the parent or guardian of any minoremployee, who has given notice to the employer that he or she claimed his orher right of action at common law may waive that claim by filing a notice inwriting with the director and the employer or his or her agent which shall takeeffect five (5) days after the filing with the director.
(b) Any person who is appointed a corporate officer betweenJanuary 1, 1999 and December 31, 2001 and was not previously an employee of thecorporation may elect to become subject to chapters 29 38 of this titleupon filing a notice in writing with the director which notice takes effectfive (5) days after the filing of his or her notice.