§ 28-29-22 Agreement for alternativescheme Approval and certification. Any employer may enter into an agreement with his or her employees in anyemployment to which chapters 29 38 of this title apply to provide ascheme of compensation, benefit, or insurance in lieu of the compensationprovided for in those chapters, subject to the approval of the director and thechief judge of the workers' compensation court. Approval shall be granted onlyon condition that the scheme proposed provides as great benefits as thoseprovided by these chapters. If the scheme provides for contributions byemployees, it shall confer additional benefits at least equivalent to thecontributions. If a scheme meets with the approval of the director, he or sheshall issue a certificate enabling the employer to contract with any or all ofhis or her employees in employment to which chapters 29 38 of this titleapply to substitute that scheme for the provisions of those chapters for aperiod of not more than five (5) years.