§ 28-29-30 Advisory council. (a) There is created a workers' compensation advisory council consisting offifteen (15) members as follows:
(1) The chief judge of the workers' compensation court andone additional judge of the workers' compensation court to be selected by thechief judge;
(2) The director of business regulation;
(3) The director of administration;
(4) Three (3) representatives from labor appointed by thegovernor, one of whom shall be an injured worker;
(5) Three (3) representatives from business appointed by thegovernor, one of whom shall be a self-insured employer, and one of whom shallrepresent cities and towns;
(6) One representative from the general public appointed bythe governor;
(7) The chairperson of the senate labor committee or his orher designee; and
(8) The chairperson of the house labor committee or his orher designee;
(9) The director of labor and training;
(10) The chief executive officer of the workers' compensationinsurance fund or his or her designee.
(b) It shall be the duty of the council to advise thegovernor and the general assembly, on an annual basis, on the administration ofthe workers' compensation system.