§ 28-29-7.2 Farm laborers. Farmers, nursery operators, or farm laborers are not subject to the provisionsof chapters 29 38 of this title unless the farmers or agriculturalemployers employ twenty-five (25) or more farm laborers or agriculturalemployees for thirteen (13) consecutive weeks. Farmers, nursery operators, oragricultural employers who employ twenty-five (25) or more farm laborers oragricultural employees for thirteen (13) consecutive weeks are not subject tothe provisions of chapters 29 38 of this title if the farmer oragricultural employer maintains health and disability insurance for all of itsfarm laborers or agricultural employees; provided, that the health anddisability insurance premium exceeds the premium for workers' compensationinsurance. Farmers or agricultural employers who employ twenty-five (25) ormore farm laborers or agricultural employees for thirteen (13) consecutiveweeks are subject to chapters 29 38 of this title for those agriculturalenterprises which produce greenhouse crops, fruit and vegetable crops,herbaceous crops, sod crops, viticulture, viniculture, floriculture, feed forlivestock, forestry, dairy farming, aquaculture, the raising of livestock,fur-bearing animals, poultry and eggs, bees and honey, mushrooms, and nurserystock.