§ 28-3-10 Declaration of places oroccupations as hazardous for minors. The department of labor and training is empowered and is authorized, under anyrules that it may determine, to declare any particular work, occupation, trade,place, or process injurious, dangerous, or hazardous for minors under sixteen(16) years of age. The department of labor and training is also empowered andauthorized, under any rules that it may determine, to declare any particularwork, occupation, trade, place, or process injurious, dangerous, or hazardousfor any particular minor under sixteen (16) years of age, although the work,occupation, trade, place, or process may not have been declared injurious,dangerous, or hazardous for all minors under sixteen (16) years of age. Whenthe rules are determined, it shall be unlawful for the particular minor to beemployed or permitted to work in the particular work, occupation, trade, place,or process declared by the department of labor and training to be injurious,dangerous, or hazardous for him or her.