§ 28-3-12 Posting of hours and wage rates. Every employer shall post, in one or more places in his or her establishmentwhere it may be easily seen and read by all employees employed by him or her, aprinted or typewritten notice stating the minimum rates of pay, includinghourly rates, or piece rate or both, as the case may be, which the employeesare receiving for the various types of work performed in the establishment, andthe number of hours' work required of the person on each day of the week, andthe hours of commencing and stopping work. The employment of any minor for alonger time in a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours than so statedshall be deemed a violation of § 28-3-11. The provisions of §§28-3-11 28-3-12 shall not be construed to impair any restriction placedupon the employment of any child by the provisions of chapter 19 of title 16.