§ 28-3-3.2 Revocation or suspension ofpermit. The permit of any child issued pursuant to § 28-3-3 may be revoked orsuspended by the school committee which issued the permit if upon therecommendation of the principal of the school which the child attends, to theschool committee, that the issuance of the permit appears detrimental to thewell-being of the student, detrimental to the academic success of the studentor the student has failed to comply with all of the legal requirementsconcerning school attendance. The child shall be afforded written notice and ahearing before the school committee before any revocation or suspension takeseffect. All hearings pursuant to this chapter shall be closed in accordancewith the provisions of §§ 42-46-4 and 42-46-5(a)(1). The refusal ofany child to surrender his or her permit after it has been revoked shall be aviolation of this chapter.