§ 28-3-8 Employment subject to provisions. Every person, firm or corporation doing business within this state employingfive (5) or more persons, or employing any child under sixteen (16) years ofage, shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 28-3-1 28-3-20whatever the business conducted by the person, firm or corporation; provided,that the provisions of §§ 28-3-1 28-3-20 do not apply tochildren employed in household service or in agricultural pursuits; andprovided, further, that the provisions do not apply to the employment ofchildren in the vocation, occupation, or service of rope or wire walking, or asgymnasts, wrestlers, contortionists, equestrian performers, or acrobats, ridersupon bicycles, or mechanical contrivances, or in any dancing, theatrical, ormusical exhibition, but the employment of children in any vocation, occupation,or service enumerated in this proviso shall continue to be governed by theprovisions of §§ 11-9-1 11-9-8.