§ 28-30-13 Controversies submitted tocourt. (a) Any controversy over which the workers' compensation court has jurisdictionin accordance with chapters 29 38 and chapter 53 of this title,including compensation, reasonableness of medical and hospital bills, degree offunctional impairment and/or disability, a dispute between an insurance carrierand an employer under a workers' compensation insurance contract, exceptdisputes under the jurisdiction of the workers' compensation appeals boardestablished pursuant to § 27-9-29, failure of an employer to secure thepayment of compensation under chapters 29 38 and chapter 53 of thistitle and any controversy in which the state or any of its politicalsubdivisions is a party, shall be submitted to the court in the manner providedin chapters 33 and 35 of this title.
(b) Disputes between an insurance carrier and an employerunder a workers' compensation insurance contract shall not be subject to apretrial conference in accordance with § 28-35-20, but shall be assignedconsistent with the rules and regulations of the workers' compensation court.