§ 28-30-18 Additional benefits payable toretired judges and their surviving spouses or domestic partners. (a) All judges of the workers' compensation court, or their surviving spousesor domestic partners, who retire after January 1, 1970 and who receive aretirement allowance pursuant to the provisions of this title, shall, on thefirst day of January next following the third anniversary date of theirretirement, receive a cost of living retirement adjustment in addition to hisor her retirement allowance in an amount equal to three percent (3%) of theoriginal retirement allowance. In each succeeding subsequent year during themonth of January the retirement allowance shall be increased an additionalthree percent (3%) of the original allowance, compounded annually from the yearthe cost of living adjustment was first payable to be continued during thelifetime of that judge or his or her surviving spouse or domestic partner. Forthe purpose of that computation, credit shall be given for a full calendar yearregardless of the effective date of the retirement allowance.
(b) Any judge who retired prior to January 31, 1980, shall bedeemed for the purpose of this section to have retired on January 1, 1980.