§ 28-30-4 Workers' compensationadministrator Appointment Powers and duties. (a) There shall be a workers' compensation administrator who shall be appointedby the chief judge of the workers' compensation court with the advice andconsent of the senate. The chief judge of the workers' compensation court, withthe advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint a workers' compensationadministrator to serve for a period of five (5) years, and thereafter until hisor her successor is appointed and qualified.
(b) The administrator shall:
(1) Supervise the preparation of an annual budget for theworkers' compensation court;
(2) Formulate procedures governing the administration ofworkers' compensation court services;
(3) Make recommendations to the workers' compensation courtfor improvement in court services;
(4) Collect necessary statistics and prepare the annualreport of the work of the workers' compensation court;
(5) Provide supervision and consultation to the staff of theworkers' compensation court concerning administration of court services,training and supervision of personnel, and fiscal management;
(6) Perform any other duties that the workers' compensationcourt specifies.