§ 28-33-10 "Dental, hospital, and medicalservices" defined. (a) "Dental services" as used in §§ 28-33-5 28-33-9 includesservices rendered in making, repairing, and replacing artificial teeth anddentures.
(b) "Hospital services" as used in §§ 28-33-5 28-33-9 includes any and all services normally furnished by the hospitalfor the care of patients.
(c) "Medical services" as used in §§ 28-33-5 28-33-9 includes palliative care services by a physician licensed by the statefor twelve (12) visits, after reaching maximum medical improvement. Additionalpalliative care must be authorized by the insurer or self-insured employer. Arequest for additional palliative care must be submitted to the insurer orself-insured employer at least ten (10) working days prior to delivery of theservices and shall include a treatment plan, including a time schedule ofmeasurable objectives, a projected termination date of treatment, and anestimated total cost of services. The director shall promulgate rules governinga request for additional palliative care and review of any decision relating toit. Any disputes as to the definition of "palliative care" shall be resolved bythe medical advisory board. These limitations on palliative care shall notapply to any conditions for which a contrary treatment protocol has beenestablished by the medical advisory board.