§ 28-33-27 Immunity of claims fromassignment or liability for debt. (a) No claims or payments due for compensation under chapters 29 38 ofthis title or under any alternative scheme permitted by §§ 28-29-22 28-29-24 shall be assignable, or subject to attachment, or liable in anyway for any debts, except as set forth in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) A lien in favor of the department of labor and trainingand or the department of human services shall attach by operation of law to anybenefits due and payable under chapters 29 38 of this title, or underany alternative scheme by §§ 28-29-22 28-29-24, to the extentthat those payments have been made by the department of labor and training orthe department of human services to or on behalf of an injured employee or hisor her dependents, but only to the extent that the employee would be entitledto receive benefits under the provision of these chapters.