§ 28-33-34 Physical examination byemployer's physician Report. The employee shall, after an injury, and at reasonable times during thecontinuance of his or her disability if so requested by his or her employer,submit himself or herself to an examination by a physician, or rehabilitationcounselor certified by the director pursuant to § 28-33-41 in cases wherethe employee has received compensation for a period of more than three (3)months, furnished and paid for by the employer. The employee shall have theright to have a physician provided by the employee and paid for by the employerpresent at the examination. The employee shall be entitled to a full, exact,signed duplicate copy of the medical report of the examining physician, whichshall be mailed by the employer or carrier to the employee and his or herattorney upon receipt of the original report by the employer or carrier.Failure to do so shall make the report or evidence of the examining physicianinadmissible if objection is made by the employee to the admission of thereport or evidence. Provided, that at the employee's or his or her attorney'srequest, a judge of the workers' compensation court shall order the employer orcarrier to furnish to the employee a full exact, signed duplicate copy of themedical report of the examining physician. Nothing in this section shall beconstrued to require the employee to be receiving benefits as a conditionprecedent to the requirement of an examination.