§ 28-33-4 Commencement of compensation. No indemnity compensation shall be paid under chapters 29 38 of thistitle for any injury which does not incapacitate the employee for a period ofat least three (3) days from earning full wages, but, if the incapacity extendsbeyond the period of three (3) days, compensation shall begin on the fourth dayfrom the date of injury, the first two hundred fifty dollars ($250) ofindemnity compensation following the three (3) day period, and the first twohundred fifty dollars ($250) of medical expense for any compensable injuryshall, at the discretion of the carrier, be a deductible charged to anyemployer insured in the residual market, which deductible the insurance carriershall promptly charge back to the employer. Non-payment by the employer may begrounds for cancellation of the employer's workers' compensation insurancepolicy.