§ 28-33-8.1 Managed care programs. Any employer or insurer may petition the director of labor and training and thedirector of business regulation for authority to provide health care,diagnosis, and treatment through any health plan, health maintenanceorganization, or managed care provider licensed in the state. The directorsshall have discretion to approve or disapprove the petition, and approval ofboth directors shall be required to authorize the managed care program. Anysuch provider, including a nonprofit hospital service corporation or nonprofitmedical service corporation, may provide, underwrite, or administer theprovision of health care, diagnosis, or treatment arising under chapters 29 38 of this title, to the extent specified under the managed care programwithout incurring any liabilities or obligations under chapters 29 38 ofthis title not specified in the managed care program, and the provider shallnot become subject to the regulation and the generally applicable liabilitiesand obligations of workers' compensation insurers.