§ 28-35-30 Grounds for review by supremecourt. (a) Upon petition for certiorari, the supreme court may affirm, set aside, ormodify any decree of the appellate commission of the workers' compensationcourt only upon the following grounds:
(1) That the workers' compensation court acted without or inexcess of its authority;
(2) That the order, decree, or award was procured by fraud; or
(3) That the appellate division erred on questions of law orequity, the petitioner first having had his objections noted to any adverserulings made during the progress of the hearing at the time the rulings weremade, if made in open hearing and not otherwise of record.
(b) Review shall not be granted by the supreme court exceptas provided in this section, and the supreme court shall disregard anyirregularity or error of the appellate division or trial judge unless itaffirmatively appears that the petitioner was damaged by the irregularity orerror.