§ 28-35-31 Transcript on appeal. (a) Upon the filing of reasons of appeal and transcript, the administrator ofthe workers' compensation court shall present the transcript to the judge whoheard the cause, and in case of vacancy in office, or for any cause, theadministrator is unable to present the transcript to the judge who heard thecause, then the transcript shall be presented to any other judge, and thatother judge shall have full power to examine and pass upon and allow thetranscript. The judge to whom the transcript has been presented by theadministrator shall, after examination, restore the transcript to the files ofthe administrator with a certificate of his or her action.
(b) Upon an appeal being taken and the transcript of thetestimony as may be required being allowed and returned, the administrator ofthe workers' compensation court shall immediately certify the cause and all thepapers of it to the supreme court.
(c) In case of failure to allow and return the transcriptwithin twenty (20) days from its filing a hearing may be had on the question ofthe correctness of the transcript before the workers' compensation court.