§ 28-35-5 Appeals from memorandum ofagreement. Any employer or insurer who has made payment to an injured employee or thoseentitled to compensation on account of the death of an employee which paymenthas been procured by fraud, coercion, or mutual mistake of fact; or any injuredemployee or those entitled to compensation on account of the death of anemployee who has been aggrieved by a memorandum of agreement in that it: (1)fails to correctly diagnose the injury; (2) fails to set out correctly all theinjuries received by the injured employee; (3) fails to set out all parts ofthe body affected by injuries; fails to correctly set the rate of compensation;or (5) in any other way is affected by error; upon petition to the courtsetting forth all the additional facts, filed by the aggrieved party and servedin the same manner as is provided for in chapters 29 38 of this title,the workers' compensation court shall hear any and all those matters and maketheir decision in accordance with those chapters.