§ 28-36-18 Safety inspections. (a) Subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (b) of this section anyinsurance company which provides workers' compensation insurance to an employerwho pays annual premiums in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)for that insurance shall, within sixty (60) days of a written request by theinsured employer, inspect the employer's site or sites of employment. Theinsurance company shall make recommendations in writing to the employer forenhancing the safety and health of the employees on the site or sites.
(b) No employer shall be entitled to request more than two(2) safety inspections in any one calendar year; and no employer whose annualworkers' compensation insurance premiums are less than fifty thousand dollars($50,000), or whose experience modification is less than one dollar and fiftycents ($1.50) shall be entitled to request more than one safety inspection inany one calendar year.