§ 28-36-2 Certificate of compliance byemployer. (a) Whenever an employer has complied with the requirements of §§28-36-1(a)(2) or (a)(3), and with any other reasonable requirements that thedirector shall make, the director shall issue to the employer a certificate,which shall remain in force for a period fixed by the director, but no longerthan one year, and the director may, upon at least sixty (60) days' notice anda hearing to the employer, revoke the certificate upon satisfactory evidencefor the revocation having been presented. Every employer who has been certifiedpursuant to the requirements of § 28-36-1 and this section, must apply forrenewal of its certificate annually, within sixty (60) days prior to theexpiration of its current certificate. To qualify for renewal of itscertificate, the employer must demonstrate continued compliance with §28-36-1(a)(2) or (a)(3) and any other reasonable requirements the director mayimpose at the time of renewal. Upon proof of compliance the director shallissue to the employer a new certificate.
(b) Failure to comply with the requirements pertaining to therenewal process or failure to provide any required data on a renewalapplication prior to renewal date shall automatically act as non-renewal.Renewal is not automatic, but must be applied for and processed by thedepartment of labor and training as stipulated in rules and regulations inforce. Only when revocation of a certificate is to be made prior to theexpiration date, shall a hearing be granted on a revocation process.