§ 28-37-10 Dependents' allowances tototally incapacitated persons. Whenever an injured employee suffering total incapacity ceases to receivepayment under the Rhode Island Temporary Disability Insurance Act, chapters 39 41 of title 28, he or she shall receive compensation in addition tocompensation for total incapacity, not exceeding five dollars ($5.00) per weekfor each child wholly or partially dependent upon the wages, earnings, orsalary of the employee, including an adopted or stepchild, under the age ofeighteen (18) years, or over that age but physically or mentally incapacitatedfrom earning, but not exceeding a total of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per week,which additional compensation shall be paid out of the fund established under§ 28-37-1; provided, that any injured employee suffering total incapacityas the consequence of an injury sustained on or after September 1, 1969, shallnot be eligible for this additional compensation.