§ 28-37-11 Parties to appeals involvingfund. (a) In any appeal taken under chapters 29 38 of this title whichinvolves the workers' compensation administrative fund, the director shall be anecessary party.
(b) In every case where payments are ordered made from theworkers' compensation administrative fund, the director shall receive a noticeand he or she shall have the right to claim an appeal from the order if, in hisor her opinion the director believes that the decision is not proper or thatthe fund is in danger of unwarranted depletion.
(c) In every case, where reimbursement from the workers'compensation administrative fund is ordered pursuant to § 28-35-20(f), inwhich the employee's incapacity has been determined to have been misrepresentedpursuant to the provisions of § 28-33-17.1 28-33-17.3 or28-33-18.1, the director may, in his or her discretion, bring suit or chargesagainst the appropriate party in any court having jurisdiction over the matter.