§ 28-39-14 Employers' records and reports. Every employer and every employing unit employing any person in employment inthis state shall keep true and accurate employment records of all personsemployed by him or her, and of the weekly hours worked for him or her by each,and of the weekly wages paid by him or her to each person. Every employer andemploying unit shall keep records containing any other information that may beprescribed. Those records shall at all times be available within this state andshall be open to inspection by the director or his or her authorizedrepresentatives at any reasonable time and as often as the director deemsnecessary. The director may require from any employer, or employing unit,employing any person in this state, any reports covering persons employed byhim or her, on employment, wages, hours, unemployment, and related matterswhich the director deems necessary to the effective administration of chapters39 41 of this title.