§ 28-39-3.1 Employees of certaingovernmental entities eligible by election. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of chapters 39 41 of thistitle, a governmental entity which is a political subdivision orinstrumentality of a political subdivision, or an instrumentality of more thanone of them or any instrumentality of them and one or more other politicalsubdivisions, may become subject to those chapters by election. The appropriatepolitical subdivision may for itself or any pertinent instrumentality of itelect that all services performed by individuals or specific classes ofindividuals in its employ shall be deemed to constitute employment subject tothese chapters with exceptions set forth in § 28-39-3.3; provided, that ifthe instrumentality pertains to more than one political subdivision, all thosesubdivisions shall be required to be parties to the election. Upon the approvalof an election as provided in § 28-39-3.2, the governmental entity shall,for the purposes of these chapters, be deemed to be an employer of theindividual or classes of individuals for whom the election is approved. Exceptas otherwise provided in this title, all other provisions of these chaptersshall continue to be applicable in connection with the employment.