§ 28-39-33 Use of federal funds foradministration. To the extent that funds are made available by the federal government, undertitle III of the Social Security Act, (42 U.S.C. § 501 et seq.), orotherwise for such purpose, the expenses of administering chapters 39 41of this title shall be paid from those funds, provided that this section shallnot be considered to permit any expenditure of funds from the employmentsecurity administration account contrary to § 28-42-29. In the event thatthe Social Security Act is amended to permit funds granted under Title III tobe used to pay expenses of administering a sickness compensation law, such aschapters 39 41 of this title, then from and after the effective date ofthat amendment, the expenses of administering those chapters shall be paid outof the employment security administration account or any other account or fundin which funds granted under Title III are deposited.