§ 28-39-8 Withdrawals from reserve fund. The reserve fund shall be administered and used in any manner that the generalassembly shall from time to time prescribe for purposes designed to benefitindividuals prevented by injury or sickness from performing their regular orcustomary work; provided, that any sums that may be requisitioned from the fundby the director, for the expenses of administering chapters 39 41 ofthis title, may be withdrawn from the reserve fund from time to time for thepayment of those expenses in accordance with §§ 28-39-33 and28-39-34. In the event that the balance in the temporary disability insurancefund at any time is insufficient to pay benefits under chapters 39 41 ofthis title, the governor, or the governor's authorized representative, shallcause those sums that may be required for the payment of those benefits to betransferred from the temporary disability insurance reserve fund to thetemporary disability insurance fund.