§ 28-40-6.1 Refunds to disabled persons. (a) Disabled persons employed through a "supported employment" program asdescribed in the federal Rehabilitation Act amendments of 1992 (see 29 U.S.C.§ 701 et seq.) and who: (1) were or are ineligible to receive temporarydisability benefits because their pay is too low and (2) during one or moreperiods of such ineligibility they made contributions to the temporarydisability insurance fund, shall be entitled to a refund of the contributions,without interest.
(b) A person eligible for a refund pursuant to subsection (a)of this section for contributions made during the period commencing three (3)years prior to June 30, 1995, shall be entitled for one year after that date toapply for a refund of the contribution, and shall have one year from the dateof contribution to apply for a refund of contributions made after June 30, 1995.