§ 28-40-7 Appeals to board of review. Any employer, employee, or other person aggrieved by any decision of fact orlaw by the director as to his, her, or its liability to make contributions orto withhold and pay contributions, or as to the amount of contributions duefrom or to be withheld and paid by him, her, or it under chapters 39 41of this title, or by any refusal of the director to grant a refund or creditunder § 28-40-6, may, either on behalf of himself or herself, or on behalfof his or her employees or other persons aggrieved by the decision, or onbehalf of both himself or herself and those employees or persons, withinfifteen (15) days after notice of the decision has been mailed to his, her, orits last-known address, file an appeal in writing with the board of review,setting forth the grounds for the appeal. If an appeal is duly filed, the boardof review shall set a time and place to give the appellant an opportunity toshow cause as to why the decision of the director should be changed. Followingthat hearing, the board of review shall, as promptly as possible, notify theappellant and the director of its decision on the appeal. The decision shallbecome final unless the appellant or the director files an appeal to the courtsin accordance with §§ 28-41-26 28-41-29.